December 10, 2024
’Twas the night before Moving Day, and all through the house, Not a box was left empty, there wasn’t even a couch. The keys were placed by the doorway with care, In hopes that Hampton Roads Moving & Storage soon would be there. The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of their new rooms danced in their heads. And Mama with her moving checklist, and I with my map, Had just settled down for a short pre-move nap. When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, Tripped over some boxes and made quite a crash. The moon on the driveway, all clear and pristine, Gave the glow of assurance our move would be stress-free, When what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a Hampton Roads M oving truck and a team full of cheer. With a skilled driver, so lively and quick, I knew in a moment we had made the right pick. More rapid than eagles, their efforts they came, And they whistled and shouted and called items by name: "Now sofas! Now dressers! Now beds and décor! On boxes! On chairs! On rugs and much more! To the truck, every item, both big and quite small! Now pack away, stack away, carry it all!" Lik e snowflakes in a breeze, they whisked through our space, They packed up with care, every item in place. So into the truck the belongings they flew, With a truck full of memories—and the movers too. With skilled hands and focus, they moved without haste, Every box and item in its perfect place. Our fragile belongings they treated just right, Their care and attention made a stressful day light. Their eyes—how they twinkled! Their smiles—so merry! Their confidence soothed us; we felt legendary! With efficiency unmatched, and strength in their hands, They worked like true pros, meeting all our demands. They spoke not a word, but went straight to their task, Packing and loading without us needing to ask. And giving a nod, when the last box they took, They closed up the truck with a professional look. They sprang to their seats, to their team gave a cheer, And away they all drove with our belongings held dear. But I heard them exclaim, as they drove out of sight, “Happy Moving Day to all, and to all a good night!